Bella Lodi "Classico" is an aged cheese with black rind and its origins can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Made with milk obtained from local cows, it is processed according to traditional cheesemaking lore, only a long and patient care ensure that those warm and intense aromas are released whenever a piece of Bella Lodi is cut.
The selection of lactic ferments gives the cheese a unique unmistakable flavour, a white colour, an intense aroma and a taste that is never spicy or overly salty.
Only after checking that colour, texture, smell and taste are as required, the wheel becomes a Bella Lodi Classico with its typical black rind.
Pozzali Lodigrana story starts in Lodi in 1947 is an unusual one. It all starts in a university classroom, where three young undergraduates in their final year at the University of Milan decided to become cheesemakers.
Using their father's farm, they built their first dairy and started to transform theirs and the surrounding farms’ milk into cheese. The rest is history.
Now, called Bella Lodi, it is an award winning cheese maker focused in transforming only Italian milk into high quality cheeses respecting the environment, their dairy has been designed to reduce their environmental impact to zero. The idea was an instant success.
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