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Cerasuolo di Vittoria is a Sicilian DOCG red wine named after the city of Vittoria; it is the only Sicilian wine with the DOCG status.
Cerasuolo di Vittoria is a blend made with Nero d’Avola (between 50% to 70%) and Frappato (between 30% and 50%) grapes grown in the provinces of Ragusa, Caltanissetta and Catania. Within the appellation, three different areas can be found, a coastal area, medium hill and high hill producing very different wines, from rounder, easier to drink, to more elegant, longer life wines.
The Cerasuolo di Vittoria had almost disappeared as appellation due to wineries bottling the single varieties. This until recently, when thanks to a new generation of wineries and winemakers and the increased quality, the wine has seen a resurgence confirmed by the conferment of the DOCG status in 2005 from DOC and making it the only DOCG wine in the whole Sicily.
The Cerasuolo di Vittoria tend to be round, smooth, fruity and it pairs soups, stuffed pasta, red meats, grilled meats, game and typical Sicilian dishes.
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