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Olivella Nera

Olivella Nera

The Olivella nera grape has uncertain origins and it is also uncertain the question of its correspondence with the vine Sciascinoso. In reality, the confusing situation is due to the fact that the Olivella name was in turn attributed to numerous varieties, because of the resemblance of their berry, for the color and the elongated shape that could remember, precisely, an olive. This grape is grown in Campania and Lazio, and has been present in the National register of grapevine varieties under the name “Olivella nera” since 1971. The grape Sciascinoso is also recorded in the Register, but one year before Olivella. In the registers that gather all the grapes from Campania only Sciascinoso is mentioned (described sometimes as “locally known as Olivella”), while the Olivella as such is present in the specification of Frusinate IGT (Lazio). Olivella nera has a medium-small, ovoid berry with consisting, red-black colored skin. Its bunch is medium, conical, moderately compact, winged and the leaf is medium, pentagonal with seven lobes. The vine Olivella nera has medium vigor and medium-early maturity. The wine it gives is of intense ruby red color with purple hues. The fragrance is vinous, fruity with hints of plum, cherry and blueberry, while the taste is fresh, tannic and consistent.

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