2 lbs. top round beef 2 carrots 2 onions a few celery stalks 2 cloves garlic 2 tbs. oil 1 bottle Barolo spices flour for dusting salt pepper
Salt, pepper and marinate the meat with the vegetables, aromatic herbs spices and wine for 12-24 hours at a cool temperature, but not in the refrigerator.
Drain the meat. Heat the oil in a large pan. Dust the meat with flour and brown the meat on all sides over a high flame. Add the marinade. Cover and cook gently in the oven at 375ºF for 3-4 hours. Remove the brasato from its cooking juice, set aside and keep warm.
Sieve finely the cooking juices with the vegetables. Adjust seasoning. Reduce a bit, slice the brasato, arrange in a pre-heated platter and serve with potato gnocchi, soft polenta, or mashed potatoes.
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