Home » Recipes » Orecchiette con cime di rapa

Orecchiette con cime di rapa


(4 portions)

Extra virgin olive oil
3 garlic cloves, sliced
1/2 red chilli, sliced
200 gr Cime di rapa (broccoli rabe) or Pesto cime di rapa
500 gr orecchiette
Grana cheese or the >vegetarian cheese
A couple of spoons of Ndjua

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Orecchiette con cime di rapa is the most typical Apulian dish, simple to make, light and tasty with or without sausages. Cime di rapa, also known as broccoli rabe, can be a tricky to find outside of Italy, so tenderstem broccoli are just fine or you can use our cime di rapa pesto. For the vegetarian version, do not add sausages and use vegetarian cheese


Begin by boil a pan with water and once the water boils add the pasta and cook according to directions. A couple of minutes before it is due, taste, the pasta must be "al dente". Gently fry the garlic and chilli until they start goldening then add the broccoli rabe to the pasta pan to cook or a couple of spoons of pesto per person and leave it cooking for a couple of minutes, if you are adding sausages, put them when adding the pesto. Slightly fry the sausage and leave them aside, the sausage must not dry. An alternative, spicy, version include adding a couple of spoons of nduja in the pan together with the brocolli rabe and let it dissolve.

Drain, add the pasta to the pan and toss to coat the pasta evenly. Serve hot with an extra drizzle of olive oil, with grated cheese sprinkled over.

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