
Home » Recipes » Pasta col pesto di cime di rapa

Pasta col pesto di cime di rapa


(4 portions)

Extra virgin olive oil
Pesto cime di rapa
500 gr. pasta (spaghetti is an option, orecchiette is another suitable option)
Grana cheese

For a richer pasta, spicy calabrian sausage can be added. Slightly fry them and leave aside, the sausage must not dry.

Region :



A quick pasta course, delicious and easy to make, an alternative to most famous Pasta al pesto classic, with a more marked taste. For a richer pasta sausages can be added


Boil a pan with water and once the water boils add the pasta and cook according to directions. A couple of minutes before it is due, taste, the pasta must be "al dente". Strain, keeping some of the water aside, put back in the pot, add a tablespoon of pesto per person and one for the pot, add some of the water you kept aside to dilute the pesto and toss together well. Serve immediately, with bella lodi cheese sprinkled over.

If you are adding sausages, add them at the same time as the pesto.

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