180 gr/7 oz. Eggwhites (4-5 eggs)
50 gr/2 oz. Icing sugar
50 gr./2 oz. Chocoloate
50 gr/2 oz. savoiardi biscuits
50 g./2 oz.Amaretti
2 Tablespoons chopped toasted hazelnuts
Pinch of salt
Whip the egg whites very stiff with the icing sugar and a pinch of salt. Chop the other ingredients coarsely; fold into the whipped egg white very gently mixing from the bottom up. Coat a rectangular mould with butter and castor sugar, place the mix in the mould and bake at 170 degree for 25 minutes. Let cool for 15 minutes than take out of the mould, serve with crème anglaise or fresh cream.
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