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Lambrusco Barghi

Lambrusco Barghi

The Lambrusco Barghi has uncertain origin, probably Tuscan. It was cultivated extensively up to the ‘60s in the estates of Count Corbelli in Castelnovo di Sotto and in Rivalta, in the province of Reggio Emilia. It is one of the many varieties of Lambrusco grapes cultivated in Emilia-Romagna, and like the others probably comes from wild vines, which grow in profusion in a spontaneous way in the Apennine hills and that were called by the Latin “Lambrusca vitis”. The berry is black, medium or medium-large with waxy, thick skin, very resistant to botrytis. The bunch is medium-large, often winged, medium in length, reddish-blond with a five-lobed leaf, with medium deep sinuses, serrated on the edge. The Lambrusco Barghi has medium to high vigor and average productivity. The Lambrusco Barghi gives an intense ruby red wine. The scent has elegant aromas, with fruity notes. The taste is medium acidic.

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