Home » Community » Wine and Grape Guide » Lambrusco di Sorbara
The grape Lambrusco di Sorbara is an indigenous variety of ancient origin, derived by domestication of wild vines (Vitis Lambrusca, also mentioned by Pliny the Elder), also known as “uzeline” or “oseline” for the fact that they were growing in a spontaneous way on the edge of the woods, plundered by the birds.
The Lambrusco di Sorbara gets its name from the village of Sorbara in the municipality of Bomporto, near Modena. The grape is characterised by the floral abortion phenomenon and this is due to a flowering anomaly which causes a considerable loss of product (production losses can exceed two-thirds of the harvest), it is now understood that this phenomenon, typical of the Lambrusco di Sorbara, is caused mainly by pollen sterility.
This particular characteristic of the grape Lambrusco di Sorbara helps to make it unique, easy to remember because this peculiarity distinguishes it from all other types of Lambrusco.
The Lambrusco di Sorbara berry is black, medium, and sub-round with thick, substantial, very waxy, blue-black skin. The bunch is medium, pyramidal, winged and typically sparse with a medium, pentagonal leaf, it prefers loose soil, sandy and permeable, the grape is prone to leaking and millerandage. This grape has very high vigor and a mid-late maturing.
The Lambrusco di Sorbara produces ruby red colored wines with a pinkish froth (the lightest of the four varieties of Lambrusco of Modena province). The nose is fresh, very fine, with a characteristic and distinct hint of violet. On the palate, the wine is fresh and delicate, fruity, balanced.
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