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The Ribolla gialla is a yellow grape as the name itself indicates, gialla, and an ancient variety of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, cultivated since Roman times in its area of excellence, in the hills around Rosazzo. In Slovenia and Croatia the grape is called Rebula and it is believed that its origin was precisely in the southern Dalmatian islands or farther south to Kefalonia.
Reportedly, the grape was then imported in Friuli by Venetian merchants in more recent times, i.e. around 1100 and its territory of excellence is still the hilly area between Udine and Gorizia, and in the denominations DOC Isonzo, Collio and Friuli colli orientali and DOCG Rosazzo. Excellent results are also achieved with the “rebula” from the Collio Sloveno.
The Ribolla gialla grape has never spread to the plains, preferring dry and hilly terrain where it gives rise to intense and structured wines with its yellow berries, medium, and discoid with a slightly thick, waxy, dotted, whitish yellow skin. The bunch is medium-small, cylindrical-pyramidal, medium compact with medium, rounded leaf.
The Ribolla gialla grape has good vigor and time of average maturity and gives a generally good and regular production. The grape produces pale yellow wines with weak greenish tones with a delicate nose with fruity scents, slightly floral and herbaceous. The wine has good acidity, medium body and a delicate and pleasant texture.
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