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2020 times thank you

December 28, 2020 Tags:
2020 has been a very difficult, challenging year for many of us, at all levels: professionally and personally, we had to reorganize our lives and businesses, rethink our priorities. What happened in 2020 is something we will never forget and tell the next generations, exactly like our grandparents and parents told us about their lives when only surviving was already a challenge. For us, these were just stories, difficult to understand, to comprehend, exactly like it will be for those who will read or hear about the year 2020.

For the first time ever, what we had only seen on TV, became reality and we were, despite our will, the protagonists. Without notice, we were told to stay at home, renounce to things we always taken for granted, assumed to be rights, such as going out, seeing friends and family. Our lives were turned upside down.

The year has almost finished, in other circumstances, we will be sorting the last minute preparation for the new year’s celebrations, this year no, we will not be celebrating, at least not the way we normally do. This year the farewell will be different, we cannot wait to see the end of the year, hoping that it will take away everything we experienced and seen in 2020. Our hopes and wishes are for a different 2021, a year of rebirth and it will be, it has to be.

We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we won’t actually see the end of the tunnel yet, I believe it will take a few more months, I don’t think it will be before May when the world will look again familiar, safe, but we are on the right path.

2020 will also be remembered for being the last year of the UK being part of the European Union, a trade agreement has finally been signed, leaving politic on one side, next year will be different for all businesses, even more for businesses like us, that import from outside the UK. We don’t know yet what exactly will change, not even the people that wrote the agreement know, but there would certainly be more documents to fill and custom agents to pay, but we hope to be able to absorb all additional costs.

We, together with our Italian small producers, have been affected, and we want to take this last post of the year to thank all of you that have helped us to get through and to the end of the year, we want to say 2020 times thank you. Thank you for your support and we wish you a great 2021.

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