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The Italian Abroad Wine Blog

The Italian abroad wine blog is my wine blog and diary. I founded in 2003 and have been living abroad for almost 20 years and this blog is a collection of my thoughts mainly about Italian wine and food, but also wine and food in general. I come from an Italian wine making family and got acquainted with wine at a very early age, but I don't just love Italian wine, I love any good wine and enjoy plenty of it, as well as good food and travelling, and often my posts include a bit of everything.

To help you understand Italian wines, we have designed a series of Italian wine regions maps featuring DOC and DOCG wines showing the origins and the grapes making your favourite Italian wines. I also wrote a post on the Italian wine appellation system explaining and demystifying the Italian wine classification system and what it really means for Italian wine lovers and wine drinkers in general.

Lastly, we have a Youtube channel where you can watch me tasting some of our wines and answer your questions about Italian wines and grapes, from the real meaning of DOC to what is an orange wine.

Hope you enjoy reading this wine blog and please get in touch if you have any question.


Taste the difference

January 28, 2008

We keep watching on TV programs about what is behind the food available from supermarkets, but very often, the attention is not on the taste but on other elements that could be the way the lamb or chicken are treated or where it comes from.

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You get what you pay for..

January 12, 2008

In the last few weeks and will continue for a few more, every night on TV there is a program about the food we eat. A few nights were about chickens, then ready meals and more will come. It seems that suddenly a food revolution has started. I grown up in a culture where we were taught that you get what you pay for from when we were kids and this applies to food like anything else and having a business background, I also know that all businesses needs to make profits to survive. Starting from these two assumptions, it is easy to get to the conclusion that whenever we think we saved some money, we have actually wasted the money we spent. This is truer for the food because everything we eat and drink can harm our health, and even when it does not, they are not a pleasure anymore.

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