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We won...

July 03, 2021 Tags: 0 comments
Not the Euro, Italy and England are still playing and best of luck to both teams, not a friendly football match either; our wines and food have won plenty of awards and competitions and got great scores, still there is no mention on their pages. Another great year for our wines and food, yes, even our food wins awards but you don’t see them mentioned on their descriptions. If you follow my blog and have read my previous post on awards and competitions you would, by now, know that we taste and rate every single product we import and only import the ones we love. You will also know that we never import anything because of someone else’s score and do not list our products’ awards on their pages.

However, during the pandemic there has been a surge in online food and wine retailers, with many offering Italian products, and all of them showing next to each product, mainly wine, the awards and scores received. The surge made me questioning our choice and whether we should be doing the same, we have plenty of awards to display after all. We had a long, internal conversation and it took us some time to reach a decision, but eventually decided to continue doing what we have been doing for the last 18 years. When we started we were one of the first online retailers specialised in Italian food and wine and had 18 years to prove ourselves. At the time the technology was not readily available neither cheap, nowadays everyone can buy a website for a few hundred pounds and start selling online, so the awards are be a way to differentiate your offering. This is what it is happening.

Awards refers to a specific vintage, year, not the wine itself, and there are countless awards and competitions but an award is not a guarantee that you will like it, the award is based on a judge palate and it doesn’t tell anything about the producer and its beliefs, from ethic to environmental credential. So, if you were wondering if our wines and food have won awards, the answer is yes, plenty, from three glasses Gambero Rosso to Slow Food, but we can also guarantee that every producer we work with, believes in what we believe
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